
NWI Times Opinion piece from former Chancellor William Lowe on the role of the Teacher-Scholar. Features former lab student Eva Elmalh and Dr. Fisher’s role as a research mentor.

"But the impact of teacher-scholars is especially evident, though, when there are learning (and scientific) outcomes like those experienced by biology student Eva Elmalh, who graduated in May 2019.
In her first year, Eva met Dr. Jen Fisher, assistant professor of biology at IU Northwest. Over the next three years, they researched the spread of antibiotic resistance in human-associated bacteria, an urgent topic in the scientific and medical worlds.
By sampling untreated sewage from Gary, Michigan City and Valparaiso, they were able to track resistance trends among human gut bacteria to some of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics.
Their findings are important and relevant. They found that even the "good" bacteria associated with humans are becoming more resistant, which means that, in some cases, the effectiveness of antibiotic treatments is diminished."


Poster presentation at ASM Microbe


Creating a Legacy and Love of Science